Procrastinate Procrastinating And Get More Done In Less

Procrastinate Procrastinating And Get More Done In Less Time!

Tackle with the challenge of procrastination for PR professionals

When it comes to productivity, procrastination is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. We all know the feeling of putting off important tasks until the last minute, and how it can affect our work-life balance and overall productivity. For PR and creative professionals specifically, procrastination can lead to missed deadlines, poor-quality work, and unnecessary stress.

Consider all the changes required to avoid procrastination

In this post, we’ll discuss six unique but helpful ways to overcome procrastination in the workplace and improve productivity.

  1. Break Big Tasks Into Smaller Ones: 

One of the reasons people tend to procrastinate is the overwhelming size of a project. Breaking a project into smaller, manageable tasks with deadlines can help remove the overwhelming feelings and make the work seem far more achievable. This way, instead of procrastinating on a big task, you may procrastinate on a smaller one - but it will still likely feel less daunting overall.

  1. Find Your Optimum Working Time: 

Everyone has their own optimal working times. For some people, it's early in the morning, while for others, it's late at night. Identify when you are most productive and schedule your day accordingly. Doing this ensures that you're working efficiently and that tasks will be finished quickly - before the distraction of procrastination sets in.

  1. Reward Yourself: 

When you complete a task, reward yourself with something enjoyable. It doesn’t have to be a big reward but something that gives you a sense of satisfaction, such as taking a break, taking a walk, or treating yourself to your favourite coffee. It will give you something to work towards while also giving you downtime from the tasks you've completed.

  1. Prioritize Tasks: 

Prioritize your tasks and make a to-do list. This will help you focus on what's important and remind you of your deadlines. Prioritizing your tasks helps you feel more in control of your workload, encouraging you to tick things off your list and get things done – rather than staring at it blankly and feeling unmotivated.

  1. Visualize the End Result: 

Visualize the end result of the project in your mind. Visualize how you'll feel when the project is completed - satisfied, proud, and motivated. It will help you maintain perspective and stay focused on the end result, which will encourage you to keep going, even when you get discouraged.

  1. Accountability Partner: 

Having someone who holds you accountable is one of the most effective ways of overcoming procrastination. Share with someone you know who has great work ethic and ask them to keep you accountable, ask them to check in with you from time to time to see how your work is progressing and encourage you to stay on track.

Take small but efficient steps to increase productivity

Procrastination can lead to a decrease in productivity, quality of work, and increased stress levels. There are unique and helpful ways to overcome procrastination in the workplace, including breaking big tasks into smaller ones, finding your optimum working time, prioritizing tasks, and having an accountability partner. Implementing these six steps can help you overcome procrastination and increase productivity so that you can get more done in less time. Don't wait any longer probe these 6 unique techniques and see yourself hurdle procrastination one day at a time!